Sunday, June 10, 2012

4th Graders Visit Annapolis and Sandy Point

The 4th graders visited Annapolis on Tuesday. They checked out The State House, The Naval Academy, and Sandy Point State Park. It was a beautiful day, and the had a blast!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

5th Grade Field Trip to Camp Wo-Me-To!

The 5th graders and many of their parents spent a day and a half at Camp Wo-Me-To in Rock State Park. They practiced team work, enjoyed the beautiful weather, got some exercise, and had so much fun! What a wonderful way to get to know one another better in a beautiful natural environment.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

5th Grade Learns About Physical and Chemical Changes Through Making Fresh Pasta

   We boiled water before our process of making our chard with home made pasta.-Kimaya

How do you think our water cemically changed ?
It turns into steam!-said Maeve and it evaporates-Triniti

4th Grade Field Trip to the National Aquarium

On Tuesday, the 4th graders took a trip to the National Aquarium to learn more about Chesapeake Bay wildlife and habitats. The aquarium is beautiful, and the staff has set up an amazing environment that closely resembles the animals' natural habitats! Here is a picture of us in the rainforest exhibit.

Moving Soil to the Garden- Muscles, Sense of Humor, and Teamwork Required!

On Friday, the 5th graders helped to haul soil that had been donated to the school from the parking lot to a large tarp in the garden space. There was only one problem, our wheelbarrow had a flat tire! This job required lots of muscle, a sense of humor, and teamwork! Here you see Tessa rooting us on in the background. Thanks to those who donated soil to our school! We now have full garden beds, soil for our bean tipi, and soil to fill recycled planters!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Building Garden Bean Tipis...Brick by Brick, Branch by Branch

Today was one of those days I felt like the luckiest teacher in the world. I said to a colleague of mine, "I feel like I have this secret. I almost feel bad about it. I get to come to work and do this. I have too much fun on days like this!"

He looked at me with a smile and replied, "When you do something you love, you never work a day".

Of course, we've all heard it before, and if you are a teacher, I TRULY hope you have felt it before! Being outdoors, surrounded by nature, and working on a project (or many projects) that your students are completely engaged in. There is a certain buzz that fills the air. There's a little laughter, lots of problem solving going on, and many scurrying feet moving around eager to help out and offer support. For about an hour and a half today, this was how the 5th graders worked alongside some amazing Kindergartners, as both groups worked in their school garden.

Some of the 5th graders and Kindergartners are working to build bean tipis. This is part of the 5th graders' project study, "How Can we Turn Trash to Treasure?" They are acting sort of like mentors for the Kindergartners, and they teamed up in such a organic way this afternoon. Ms. Burlin and I have planned things together before, but today was quite a coincidence. Two teams worked side by side and helped each other build. The Kindergartners used some long twigs that had been donated to their class, and the 5th graders used some bamboo. Both groups built circular 4 inch wide raised beds around their tipis to hold bean seeds that will soon climb the twig towers.

Other students worked out in the garden too. Some worked on creating herb planters out of recycled bottles, while others painted a mural on a tarp that will hang behind the 7' tall vertical herb wall. A few sat quietly and wrote a children's book complete with illustrations called "How to Make Pasta From Scratch". These were all equally important projects that will help us develop a better understanding of how we can make better use of our resources.

It was a beautiful day, and I am so happy to be able to share these pictures with you!